JL-Agro is a Dutch company that provides all kinds of agricultural services.
It is our goal to be independent, customize our advice as much as possible and uphold a high standard when it comes to customerservice.
Our employees are dedicated, have the knowledge that is necessary and are up-to-date when it comes to new developments.
Our distributioncenter is in Boekel. We have a wide range of products in store, like wheat straw, hay and animal feed from many different brands.
We transport products from our distributioncenter to every place in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
JL-Agro is certified with GMP+, SKAL and SecureFeed.
So if you want to know more about our company or when you have specific questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Do you have a question or do you want to make an appointment?
Contact us via the contact form or send us an email at info@jl-agro.nl